SFSA Female Fan Survey 2018


SFSA Female Fan Survey 2018

The first independent research project into women in Scottish football has been launched by The Scottish Football Supporters Association (SFSA).
The SFSA’s nationwide survey will assess, for the first time, female supporters’ views and attitudes on the current position of the Scottish game. The research will become an annual benchmarking & reporting exercise looking at all aspects of the game.
The SFSA’s online survey has been created in partnership with academic researchers Prof. Dr. Axel Faix and Dr. Joachim Lammert from FanQ who have undertaken similar evaluations on a national level in Germany and on a European level including the first independent evaluation of Scottish football governance conducted in 2017.
The online survey, which will run until the 16th of September, is expected to provide important and essential information to assess how the game is currently viewed by females and importantly to provide valuable insight into the future of the game to governing bodies and to individual clubs.
The SFSA, which has over 71,000 members supporting clubs across Scotland, is Scotland’s fans’ representative in The Football Supporters Europe network (FSE), an independent, representative and democratically organised grass-roots network of football fans’ in Europe with members in currently 48 countries across the continent.
The survey will close on 30th September 2018.
We appreciate any female Arbroath supporters who can help with this survey!