Mental Health App


Mental Health App

Suicide Help

Mental Health

At Station Park on Saturday there was a support group launching a new app for those who are suffering or affected with mental health.

This App is produced for Angus Council, Dundee City Council and Perth & Kinross Council

It provides helpful info for those affected in any way by suicide, extensive contact details for services in Tayside as well as providing users with the ability to create their own safety plan.

Suicide is the biggest killer of men under 45 which is a staggering and very sad fact. Men in particular suffer from the
stigma about talking about your feelings and opening up to anyone.

More and more famous sports men and women are now speaking out so that their own situations they have lived through can hopefully show to everyone else it is okay to talk about it.

Mental Health can slip under the radar as you can never truly tell how a person is feeling so it is so important that if you ever do need someone to talk to then you should reach out.

The website for the Suicide? Help! can be found here,

and if you would like to download the app you can find it here –

Remember there is always someone there to listen and to talk too.