Kit Auction – £4754!


Kit Auction – £4754!

Auction end

Arbroath FC would like to thank all Lichties who took part in our kit auction.

An incredible £4754 has been raised by our supporters who bid on both the home and away kits in which the Ladbrokes League 2 Championship was won in, giving those with successful bids their very own little piece of Lichtie history.

Of course there will be a number of disappointed fans who didn’t get the kit they wanted, or perhaps indeed a kit at all. The nature of an auction means that only the highest bids win but in theory everyone who took part are winners in the clubs eyes as they have raised a huge sum of money to benefit their club.

Every single kit had bids made against them and in the end it was a frantic finish as some of the bidding gathered pace in the the last few seconds before midnight.

You will be notified today if you have been successful or not in your bid.

Every single penny raised is valued by the club and we would like to thank you all again. The entire season was one that will live in the memory for a long time, and especially that day in Stirling in the sunshine when so many Lichties came out to support the team.

The new season is fast approaching and Dick and Ian have been working hard behind the scenes as have the board in doing our upmost to provide a team that can really compete and challenge in Ladbrokes League One.

We will continue to need your support and hopefully there are more memorable days ahead!

Thank you again!

C’mon the Lichties!