Hayshead Primary Visit


Hayshead Primary Visit

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Hayshead Primary Visit

We welcomed some excited youngsters from Primary 4 from Hayshead School this morning.

Julie and Louise conducted a mini tour of the Gayfield and they were all super excited to get their photograph taken with the Ladbrokes League 2 Championship Trophy.

Lichtie Legend John Fletcher kindly came along to talk about his career with the Lichties. The kids were all captivated as he spoke and John even showed a video of the famous Arbroath 3-2 win over Rangers from February 1974.

All the young Lichties were in the knowledge asking about Steven Doris and a fire that took place in the 1950s.

We would like to thank John for taking the time to talk to the youngsters and to all the pupils who were extremely well behaved and very polite.

They wished everyone the best of luck for the rest of the season.

Thank you to Hayshead Primary