Have you got your ticket yet?


Have you got your ticket yet?

Hall of Fame website

It is only 9 days until our Hall of Fame and Championship Winning Celebration Dinner which will take place on Friday 22nd September 2017 starting at 7.30pm

After two hugely popular Hall of Fame Gala Dinners we return for our 3rd year with a special celebration to also recognise and celebrate our League 2 Championship Title.

The Club is extremely proud of our history and it is fitting that Arbroath FC recognise the players and managers who have contributed to the Club’s history and those who were triumphant last season.

The evening will take the form of a Dinner which will be held within a Marquee which will be erected on the pitch at Gayfield Stadium. Guests will enjoy a lovely 3 Course Dinner which will be followed by a variety of evening entertainment.

Host and Compère for the evening Sheriff Lindsay Wood will be joined by special guests Peter C. Brown and Paul Reid with many Lichtie Legends also in attendance.

Peter is One of Scotland’s best after dinner speakers and Paul is a Comedian and football impressionist.

The newest Hall of Fame inductee’s will be announced after being voted in by the supporters from an online poll.

The 3 new inductee’s will join John Edward “Ned” Doig, Albert Henderson, Tom Cargill, Bob McGlashan, Dave Easson, Ian Stirling, Jimmy Jack and Paul Sheerin.

Arbroath FC are continued to be backed by loyal local sponsors and we are extremely grateful for Thornton’s Law who are the main sponsor of the Hall of Fame Dinner.

“Legal Advice focused on you” – www.thorntons-law.co.uk

Tickets for this celebration are priced at £45 and tables will consist of 10 places.

This is a great evening to spend with fellow Lichties and there are normally several Lichtie Legends in attendance.

These can be obtained by contacting the Club on 07864-195158 or 01241-872157 or by emailing info@strathmoreeventservices.co.uk

Thank you again for your support and C’mon the Lichties