Gayfield Floodlight Upgrades and Thank you


Gayfield Floodlight Upgrades and Thank you

Gayfield Floodlight Upgrades and Thank you

We have recently upgraded the floodlights at Gayfield to brand new LED units, and Arbroath FC would like to thank Midstream Lighting who we engaged for the design, manufacturing, testing of the existing pylons and co-ordination of the installation and also to their sub-contractor JHP Electrical Services Ltd for installing the new units.

Our original lights due to their age and condition only emitted 430 LUX which does not meet the SPFL guidelines for the Championship or Premiership.

Our new LED lights are now an average of 570 LUX which will make a huge difference.

The LED lights while not only being brighter, use less electricity and are pinpointed more accurately to provide a uniform coverage of the pitch.

Arbroath FC Chairman Mike Caird who would like to thank both Companies said “Right from the start of the process Sam Thompson at guided us professionally and carefully through the design and installation options allowing us to have full confidence in the best lighting system to use.

I would also like to thank Charlie Tierney and the installation team of Neil Dimon and Lucy Stevens at for their hard work and dedication working around the clock in sometimes testing windy weather conditions to install and commission the lights between our last two home matches at Gayfield.”

We look forward to having our supporters see the new floodlights in action in the coming months.

The Floodlights got a test last Wednesday when we held a close-door friendly at Gayfield and they looked stunning.

C’mon the Lichties