Dick Campbell – Ladbrokes League 2 Manager of the Season


Dick Campbell – Ladbrokes League 2 Manager of the Season

Manger of the Season

Dick Campbell has been named Ladbrokes League 2 Manager of the Season on top of being named April SPFL League 2 Manager of the Month.

It’s a huge honour to announce that our manager Dick Campbell has been named the SPFL Ladbrokes League 2 Manager of the Season.

The Ladbrokes yearly awards are voted for by members of the Scottish media, with a Manager and a Player of the Year selected for each of the four divisions.

Dick and his backroom staff moved to the club when we were in a very difficult position in the league. Over the summer he secured some very talented players in the transfer market and reshaped our squad.

The season was a game of catch up after Forfar Athletic’s amazing start, but with determination the Lichties clawed back the lead and even on the 4th of February when we found ourselves 11 points from the top of the league the ‘never give up’ attitude was firmly in place and the overwhelmingly strong bond between a very talented group of players really set in.

Dick spoke to http://spfl.co.uk/news/article/campbell-lands-201617-award/

Campbell told Ladbrokes News: “I think it’s as good an effort by one of my teams from all the years I’ve been in the game.

“You win the championship because you accrue more points than anybody else and Forfar helped us a wee bit by dropping lots of points, but the last 15 games we only lost twice. That’s a magnificent effort and I’m very happy.

“I’m already planning for next season right now, today! My beliefs are very simple; I’ve had four championships and four promotions and anybody we sign in the summer has got to be better than what we’ve got. No question. That’s a natural progression. Everybody’s got a part to play.”

Under the guidance of Dick, his brother Ian, John Young and John Ritchie the Lichties triumphed on a day in Stirling we will always remember.

This is a fantastic award which is very much deserved!

On top of this accolade Dick was also named SPFL Manager for the Month of April! – His first Manager of the Month award all season!

Congratulations Dick!

C’mon the Lichties!