@_Bands_FC have become an internet sensation on Twitter and more recently Instagram and we are delighted they have made a badge for us.
It’s an idea from Mark Liptrott of Concrete Design Studio and Nick Fraser, the right hand man and long-term collaborator of Charlatan’s frontman Tim Burgess and animator Chris Walker.
The bring football and music together by clever graphic design pairing iconic identities from both worlds.
“Bands as Football teams and football teams as bands”
We have been a big fan since they hit the internet and we are delighted they have give our crest a new look for the band Aerosmith.
With over 35,000 Twitter followers and the support of many bands and artists we feel honoured to be a part of their collective.
You can see more of their brilliant work on Twitter or Instagram at @_Bands_FC and their website is coming soon – http://www.bandsfc.com