Arbroath FC Golf Day


Arbroath FC Golf Day

The Club would very much like to than all of those who participated in the Club’s inaugural Golf Day which was held at Letham Grange Golf Club on Friday afternoon.

Some excellent scores were recorded with David Pert’s Team being the winners. Second Place went to David Laing’s Team and Ian Campbell’s Team 1 finished in 3rd place.

A meal and Presentation of prizes (see video) was then held back at Gayfield and the Club would like to thanks Strathmore Event Services Ltd for sponsoring the Trophies that were awarded, the Angus Trophy Centre for providing the Trophies and Arbikie for sponsoring some of the prizes.

Many thanks also to Letham Grange Golf Club who helped make this a very successful day for the Club.

Well done to David Pert and his Team!