Arbroath FC FFIT Update (Football Fans In Training)


Arbroath FC FFIT Update (Football Fans In Training)

After six weeks of our Football Fans In Training programme, the group were measured and weighed in on Monday night.

Twenty two of the group attended the weigh in and they have lost a combined total of 214.5cm and 84.1kg between them.

This works out at an average of 9.75cm and 3.8kg each which is an incredible result and great reward for the groups efforts.

Over the course of the six weeks the groups has improved their health through healthy eating and exercise.

The second programme will start in April 2018 and names of men and women are now being taken for this group.

If you are aged 35 to 65, have a BMI of 28+, a waist in excessive of 38” and are interested in improving your health, losing weight and getting active again then get in touch with Brian Cargill on 07793070168 or by email on [email protected]